Anti-Sleep Alarm
The Project
Anti Sleep alarm for drivers' use sensors to monitor signs of drowsiness like eye movements, triggering warnings to prevent accidents. This system alerts the user if he/she falls asleep at the wheel thereby, avoiding accidents and saving lives. This system is useful especially for people who travel long distances and people who are driving late at night.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...This system is useful especially for people who travel long distances and people who are driving late at night. I have travelled a lot and saw that the drivers' are very drowsy and sometimes sleep during the trip.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe found soldering difficult in this project and we worked it out by using jumper wires instead. We also had problems with the Arduino while writing and uploading the code.
Next time, we would...We would make it a easy to carry and a less bulky project. The project contains a lot of delicate parts like motor, arduino and wires.
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