The Project
"This APP is an Home organizer where you can simply Place blocks by Dragging one to another and naming them. This helps to find where you kept your stuff. This project is an inspiration from my dad and errors fixed by my brother. To use it, first click on green flag then simply just log in/sign up. Then Drag the first block to another place to form another block by clicking on it. As of now you can put 8 blocks only due to server issue. Disclaimer: Do not use it without AN USERNAME as all of your HOME-O-MAP data is stored on your username server."
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because..."I chose it mainly because of 2 reasons: 1. This app helps families organize there homes. 2. This project is an inspiration from my dad."
What I found difficult and how I worked it out"The difficulties I found during my project were 2 things: 1. The Verification system was having an error and it was unlocking even if the password was incorrect. 2. Adding the blocks to organize was working but when you name them, they don't show the name of there blocks due to cloning. This litera
Next time, I would...Yes, I could have fixed the 8 blocks problem and I could have added more rooms, storage and sections to provide more space options for the users. Also the rooms should have been shown like the floor plans etc as you see in real estate plans.
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