Nike Logo Animation

The Project

The Animation starts off as it’s getting drawn though once it’s finished it gets filled in black & There you have it the Nike Logo.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I actually like Nike a lot, & when coding this project I actually did the coding based on a video that I found easy to do. All of it was under 20 lines, & I made a YouTube video on it while I didn’t get that much views I got a total of 1k. Note: The Upload I’m gonna show is from Vimeo.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I feel like the most difficult part was having to do things with turtle import such as circle left, & down. But once I got help from some videos, & online about it I started to get better.

Next time, I would...


About the team

  • United States

Team members

  • Joshua