Sales Force Management App
The Project
This app help the Sales Team to manage retailers order, payment and conversations. It makes communication between office, salseman and retailer very easy and accurate. Also using this app the sales team can become very effective as it is not dependent on the back office for data.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Today small businesses can't manage their sales team and the remarks given by retailers regarding payment and orders. So this app manages the team eficiently by providing them with all the data and other important functions in a single place. It stores all remarks in the google sheet and displays it
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult part of the app was integration of the inputs to the google sheet. It was not picking correct data from correct place. I solved this through step by step integration of display to the specific rows and columns and using complex algorithms of conditions and variables and then makin
Next time, I would...I would add a search area to easily navigate to specific retailers.
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