AI Song Generator
The Project
My project is a Unity game that makes music. It compiles thousands of songs from a web database and trains an AI algorithm to generate music. The user selects a handful of songs from the database and sends them to the interface, which returns original, creative melodies and chords that can be visualized and played back.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...My passion for music production and experience in programming and app development drove me to create this project. Using Unity, I tackled one of the most challenging aspects of music production: composing melodies. An AI music generator could be a game-changer for music producers worldwide.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outGetting the AI to return a legible output. I outsourced a private AI API to scrape thousands of songs on YouTube, SoundCloud, and Spotify to resolve this issue. Then, I integrated the API call within Unity Game Engine so that it could send and receive messages from the API.
Next time, I would...Something I would do differently if I had more time would be to make the interface more aesthetically pleasing. I would add more colors, images, and animations.
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