Foreign Language Learning App
The Project
My project is an foreign language learning app that is free and published on the app store that helps people learn a new language while watching videos that they enjoy from their favorite video-streaming platforms! The app is very interactive and has vocabulary lists, a transcript of the video you are watching and multiple choice questions that it can ask to test your knowledge on the foreign language.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I decided to make this project because I was once a foreign language learner when I first moved to the United States roughly 6 years ago. I struggled with learning English for the first time and didn't have many apps and resources to learn the new language.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult part about my project would be implementing the AI portion of the code and allowing AI to help generate questions and vocabulary used shown in my project demo.
Next time, I would...I would implement more videos into my project and slowly expand my app into more languages and that way people can learn multiple languages on my app if they are interested.
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