The Project
SmartBlinds is an open-source system for smart home devices that regard rollerblinds, helping people with mobility issues control light in rooms easily, and for everyday people to have a more convenient way of controlling light.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I wanted to get into the smart home/IoT space since i believe it not only helps people achieve efficiency in the day to day, but also helps me grow as an engineer since there are so many steps involved that it is a great challenge.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI personally found the programming quite difficult, since i was only getting into Bluetooth Control at a basic level, but now i have more confidence in making wireless devices.
Next time, I would...I would maybe have added a battery to the thing to make it portable and not tethered, but other than that i think the app could be a bit more comprehensive.
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