Fly Around

The Project

Fly Around


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose to develop the "Fly Around" project as a creative exploration of 3D graphics and interactive web experiences. It allowed me to delve into WebGL and Three.js, expanding my skills in web development and showcasing the potential of modern web technologies for immersive content.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I chose to create the "Fly Around" project to explore the principles of 3D graphics and animation in web development. It offered an opportunity to experiment with WebGL and Three.js, enhancing my skills in interactive web experiences. Additionally, I aimed to provide a visually engaging demonstratio

Next time, I would...

With more time, I'd expand the scenery and add more interactive elements to create a richer experience. Additionally, I'd optimize the performance further to ensure smooth rendering on a wider range of devices.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Khushi