Sprite clicked change size
The Project
Welcome to "Click 'n Resize: Sprite Size Changer"! Explore the world of dynamic sprite resizing in this interactive Scratch project. Get ready to experiment with different sizes, shapes, and proportions as you click on sprites to watch them magically change size before your eyes. Let your creativity run wild as you create unique and visually captivating scenes with just a click of the mouse!
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...this project to provide an interactive, creative, and educational experience that empowers Scratch users to explore the fascinating world of sprite resizing in a playful and engaging way.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outthese challenges through experimentation, iteration, and user feedback, I was able to overcome obstacles and create a polished and engaging "Click 'n Resize: Sprite Size Changer" project on Scratch.
Next time, I would...these additional features and improvements, the "Click 'n Resize: Sprite Size Changer" project could evolve into an even more versatile, user-friendly, and engaging tool for sprite manipulation and creative expression on the Scratch platform.
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