Happy holi design
The Project
Welcome to "Happy Holi: Splash of Colors"! Immerse yourself in the vibrant celebration of Holi, the festival of colors, in this interactive Scratch project. Experience the joy, excitement, and camaraderie of this festive occasion as you create colorful designs, play fun mini-games, and spread happiness with your friends and family.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...this project to celebrate the spirit of Holi, promote creativity and happiness, and foster a sense of unity and inclusivity among Scratch users from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outthese challenges with creativity, research, and iterative development, I was able to overcome obstacles and create an engaging and immersive "Happy Holi: Splash of Colors" project on Scratch.
Next time, I would...these additional features and improvements, the "Happy Holi: Splash of Colors" project could evolve into an even more immersive, engaging, and culturally enriching experience for players on the Scratch platform.
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