AI Fitness Tracker
The Project
A versatile fitness mobile program with real-time calorie monitoring, personal calorie counting and food recognition based on Food101's AI database. It integrates features commonly found in commercially available apps such as a BMI program based on an individual's height and weight to calculate the average number of calories an individual should consume and burn each day.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...With the temptation of food, I often couldn't control my appetite, and I gradually expanded my size. Since then, I've wanted to use my programming skills to contribute to this community, and to myself.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe integration of flutter and java is a big struggle. I wasn't able to interface for the program interface and even for github uploading and downloading became a hurdle for me. But eventually, with the help of my mentor, I solved these problems.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would focus mainly on refining and polishing the existing features. First of all, I would make the user page more user-friendly, the user interface is still a bit rough at the moment, and we are not able to estimate the physical condition of each particular user.
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