VR Baseball Hitting Simulator
The Project
I created a VR baseball hitting simulator using Unity and C#, which I learned for this project. I then linked the game to my Meta Quest 2 VR headset, where the actual VR takes place. The "pitcher" will throw different pitches to the batter (the player) and the batter will try to hit the pitches. It works on not only timing, but also the path of the bat.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...My goal in creating this project is simple: give people with less opportunities a chance to increase their hitting skill and to allow them to have fun while doing so. I have been playing baseball for over 10 years, and I know how hard it is to hit one, so I want to help others as much as possible.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult part of making the project was learning about different C# codes and what Unity had along the way as I progressed further into my project. The physics of the baseball is one example. I needed to create spin on the baseball, so I learned how to do it and how to manipulate.
Next time, I would...Something that I am currently trying to add is a sensor that can allow the player to use an actual bat to practice, instead of using the VR controllers given. In this way, I believe that the player will feel like the game is more real.