Gliding chick in farm

The Project

In Scratch coding, animate a chick gliding across a farm backdrop by scripting its movement with glide blocks, simulating a smooth and graceful flight over fields and barns, fostering creativity and engagement within an agricultural setting. Adjusting glide duration and incorporating obstacles adds challenge and dynamism to the chick's journey.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

This project was chosen to illustrate the charm of farm life through interactive coding, inspiring users to create their own pastoral scenes while learning programming concepts in a playful and engaging context.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

One challenge was coordinating the chick's gliding motion smoothly across the farm backdrop, requiring careful adjustment of glide durations and obstacle placement to achieve fluid animation. I addressed this by iteratively testing different glide speeds and obstacle configurations.

Next time, I would...

With more time, I'd expand the project by adding interactive elements such as gliding sprites or avoiding farm animals, deepening engagement and adding layers of gameplay.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Shubham