The Project
This is an application that can be protection of women Here in this application we have 3 features those are: feeling finder, automatic call and location sending, self defence.. Feeling finder:it will detect the girl's emotion and generate a motive text. Automatic call and location sending:it will make direct call and send location to a number when the girl shakes her phone in dangerous situations. Self defence:Here, we have self defence techniques for saving of a girl.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...As the world is becoming increasingly urban gender violence in urban spaces has become a rapid phenomenon women's safety can be defined in many ways but the best essence is the reduction of gender based violence including women's fear and crime.To reduce gender based violence in vulnerable times.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe faced a problem with a feature location sending at first the message showed no location available but after some changes in blocks it worked and message showed the full address without any fail. secondly we felt difficult the feature of felling finder.
Next time, we would...We will add more emotions in felling finder feature.
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