Tourism in India

The Project

Tourism in India is a website, by using this website people can know about different tourist places in India.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

Knowing about the tourist places will help the travelers to plan their trip easily, understand the history and culture behind them and it will increase the country's economy, etc. So, to make the people aware of the tourism in India I choose this project

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

While designing the website I faced many errors, which I can't able to solve, then I took the help of my mentors and solved them.

Next time, I would...

In India there are many such historical places but their information is not available much on the internet. So, next time I will research on those ones and add them in this website.

About the team

  • India
  • Code Club

Team members

  • Shyam Prasad