The Project
this project is about quiz ,when we open the game first we want to click on green flag after clicking the game will start ,first they display the logo of the quiz and play the music in background after some time the game will start ,In the game first they display one teacher ,then after the teacher will ask some tricky and logical questions after completing all the sound will stop teacher stop asking questions
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Why did you choose to make this project? because of I want to improve the thinking levels of the people and I want to free the minds of the people so that's why i choose the project
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI power cut when Iam doing this project , i faced problem by using and adding the blocks in scratch
Next time, I would...if get more time so that i can add button to start the game because we want stay until background music daon then game will start
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