Intelli Pantry

The Project

Intelli-pantry – a technological invention for reducing the amount of food wasted. The main purpose of this project is to reduce the amount of food wasted at any venue. It can be our houses, offices, buffets, or any other place. It can be achieved by using something known as OCR which stands for optical character recognition. I consider the project to be implemented in fridges, pantries and/or any other food storage areas.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I was asking my mother for some candy and when she opened the fridge, it turned out it was expired so my mother simply threw it away. I started pondering about what just happened. I thought that the food and money were simply wasted. It then came to my mind to think of a solution for this because th

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

The most difficult part was extracting the charecters from the image as it often gave the wrong output. To solve this issue, I trained the model with different font sizes and background colours. This greatly imporved the model's accuracy and speed.

Next time, I would...

I could utilize a database with robust storage capabilities, such as Oracle, to accommodate the large volume of data I need to store. I could improve the machine learning algorithms in tesseract, by providing the model with more data, to improve the model's accuracy and speed.

About the team

  • Ireland

Team members

  • Smaran