Bouncing ball game
The Project
In this Scratch project, I coded a bouncing ball animation. Using simple blocks, I made the ball move up and down, bouncing off the walls. I adjusted the speed and direction to create a dynamic and engaging visual effect.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I selected this project because I wanted to practice fundamental programming concepts in Scratch while creating a visually dynamic animation. Bouncing ball animations are a classic example used to understand motion and collision detection, making it a perfect learning opportunity.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outInitially, getting the ball's bounce motion smooth was challenging. I adjusted the timing and experimented with different movement patterns until it looked natural. Additionally, ensuring the ball accurately collided with the walls required careful placement of collision detection code blocks.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I'd explore adding additional features like gravity effects or varying ball sizes for complexity. Also, I might refine the visual elements and add background scenery to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal.
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Samridh Kamboj