Smart Bike helmet

The Project

Explore the innovative Smart Bike Helmet project created using Scratch block coding! This virtual helmet shields the bike rider from rain and thunderstorms with its clever design. Watch as the helmet dynamically adjusts to protect the rider, combining safety with technology in a fun and interactive way. Embark on the journey to safer cycling with this exciting Scratch project.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose to make this project because I wanted to create something that promotes safety while riding bikes. Seeing how technology can enhance our daily lives inspired me to develop a virtual solution for protecting riders from unpredictable weather.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I found it challenging to simulate realistic rain and thunderstorm effects in Scratch. I worked it out by experimenting with different sprite movements and sound effects until it looked and sounded convincing.

Next time, I would...

If I had more time, I would refine the visual and audio effects of the rain and thunderstorm for a more immersive experience. Additionally, I'd explore adding more interactive elements to the helmet, like adjustable visors or additional safety features.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Manisha