Colouring tree pictoblox

The Project

In PictoBlox, use Scratch block coding to create a coloring tree project. Employ "When Green Flag Clicked" to start, "Pen" blocks to draw branches, and "Sensing" blocks for color selection. Utilize "Repeat" loops to efficiently fill the tree with colors, creating a vibrant and personalized masterpiece.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

This project was chosen to teach basic programming concepts through a fun and creative activity. It encourages exploration of color theory and fosters artistic expression within the context of coding.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Understanding how to control the Pen tool for drawing branches was challenging initially. I overcame it by experimenting with different Pen settings and referring to online tutorials for guidance. Additionally, coordinating the coloring process efficiently required careful planning and testing.

Next time, I would...

With more time, I'd enhance the tree's visual details, such as adding texture to branches and leaves. I'd also incorporate user interaction, like allowing color selection by clicking on a palette. Additionally, I might explore integrating animation, such as swaying branches or falling leaves.

About the team

  • India

Team members

  • Pramila