See the judges’ favourites

Discover and interact with the projects that stood out to our judges among all the amazing projects young tech creators shared in the online showcase in 2020.

  • Limor Fried’s favourite projects 2020

    Adafruit was founded in 2005 by MIT engineer, Limor "Ladyada" Fried. Her goal was to create the best place online for learning electronics and making the best designed products for makers of all ages and skill levels.

    Limor Fried
  • Dr Hayaatun Sillem’s favourite projects 2020

    Dr Hayaatun Sillem is the Chief Executive of the Royal Academy of Engineering, which brings together the UK’s leading engineers and technologists for a shared purpose: to promote engineering excellence for the benefit of society.

    Dr Hayaatun Sillem
  • Tim Peake’s favourite projects 2020

    Tim Peake is a British ESA astronaut and a passionate advocate for STEM education. Tim played a huge part in the first Astro Pi Challenge in 2015, and he has helped us spread the word about the work of the Raspberry Pi Foundation ever since.

    Tim Peake
  • Eben Upton’s favourite projects 2020

    Eben Upton is a founder of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and one of the inventors of the Raspberry Pi computer. As the CEO of Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd, he oversees the company, including the development of all our hardware.

    Eben Upton
  • Mitchel Resnick’s favourite projects 2020

    Mitchel Resnick, Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab and Co-Founder of Scratch, develops new technologies and activities to engage children in creative learning experiences.

    Mitchel Resnick